We don’t monitor social media chat or messaging platforms regularly. This is our primary contact info for you
(225) 230-7878 Andrew or Chris
6401Long Point Road, Building 202 Houston TX 77055
We've captured the build process step-by-step so you can see how it's done in real life. You can view more pics & videos here.
The great news is we only have one price: The Vista 1 is $79,900. This Vista 2 is $109,000. The Vista 2 PLUS is $119,000. That price includes the whole kit! We don't sell or have any "Add ons". We give you the most complete kit on the market... You can VIEW THE FLOORPLANS here.
We keep it simple for you! The short answer is 8 - 10 weeks, but let's look at the variables that are involved. First, you'll want to have your building permit issued so that when your 7 Day Aframes arrives, you are ready to go. Permitting time varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. We can have your complete Permit Plans Package ready for you to submit with your permit application within about 2 weeks in most cases. Your permitting office should be able to give you a reasonable estimate of their turn-around time. If you're building in an area that does not require permitting, that can certainly speed things up.
Yes! Your kit can be assembled in 7 days with no heavy equipment! The a-frame trusses, roof/inside ceiling panels, front and rear walls, exterior doors, windows, interior walls, loft, and roof sheathing and metal can all be completed in 7 days with 4 people working. This gets your home completely dried in and weather tight. We've actually completed this process in 4 days, but we do have some practice! The remaining 10% of your kit, which includes your custom built-in storage cabinetry, loft closet, staircase and handrails, kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanity, and truss beam trim package will all be done in the last steps of the process once electrical & plumbing are roughed in, sheetrock is hung, and flooring is down. Your subcontractor work, which may include sheetrock, plumbing and electrical will also increase the total start to finish time line depending on your subcontractors schedule and timing. Most of our customers complete their total build in 60-90 days depending on amount of work done by third parties and how much work they are doing themselves. Your 7 Day Aframes Kit mounts on top of your foundation/subfloor. Foundation design and engineering are all included in your Permit Plans Package (see "Do I need to hire an architect and/or engineer" found below). As the foundation/subfloor must be built on-ste, of course this is not included in the kit. Our kit is one of the most complete, lowest cost, and fastest builds on the market! You can view a sample Build Out Schedule & Timeline Here
YES, we can connect you with a highly qualified team that is very experienced in assembling 7 Day Aframe Kits and they will come to your site and get your Aframe dried in within 7 days or less. Over the past year we have trained several crews around the country on assembling and installing our kits. Get in touch with us so you can get the details and all of your questions answered.
We work with many short term rental & long term rental investors who purchase multiple units at a time. When purchasing 2 or more units at one time we certainly have special discount packages available for you. The amount of the discount can vary based on the time of year and delivery location. So, please feel free to get in touch with us to discuss the details of your specific project(s) and the opportunities we're happy offer. Go to our contact page here > CONTACT US
There are 3 payment points: 1) $3500 ($5900 for Basement foundations) payment to get your Permit Plans Package engineering underway and lock down your date on the Production Schedule. *This should be done as soon as possible if timing is important to you. 2) Pre-production Start Payment of $39000 (VISTA 1), $54,000 (VISTA 2), $59,000 (VISTA 2 Plus) is due 30 days before your Scheduled Production Start Date. 3) Post Production Payment of $40,900 (VISTA 1) $55,000 (VISTA 2), $60,000 (VISTA 2 Plus) is due upon completion of production and prior to shipping. We'll discuss these 3 payment stages with you in detail prior to your scheduling with us.
We don't offer financing "in house", but there are certainly financing options for you. Most clients have found the shortest path is to simply talk with smaller local or regional banks, in the area you intend to build, about your plans.
Our Permit Plans Package includes the foundation plan, details and building plans signed and stamped by an engineer licensed in your state. Your Permit Plans Package will include all building plan requirements for permitting in your jurisdiction. So, you won't have to hire an outside architect or engineer. It's all done for you. However, every piece of land is different. For example, if you are building on the side of a slope or mountain, then depending on the surface type you are putting your home on, in some cases there may be additional engineering costs. We are happy to discuss the specifics of your land with you. The required Permit Plans Package for permitting in your jurisdiction is $3500 (in all states except California, which is $5900). Permit Plans Package for basement foundations is $7000 in most areas. Depending on the specifics of your building site, the timeline for your completed Permit Plans Package is 7 to 14 days.
Yes, your 7 Day Aframes is architecturally designed with exposed beams and 20+ feet high hardwood cathedral ceilings for the ultimate in Aframe living.
Combining the 20' high cathedral ceilings of Aframe architecture with exposed beams and an open floorplan with plenty of natural light creates an amazing home for you. It can be warm and cozy when you want it to be, and bright and airy whenever you're ready!
Storage is important when downsizing and striving for a simpler life... But in most "tiny houses" storage gets complicated, not simpler. That's NOT the case with your 7 Day Aframes home. Storage features were an important part of the development process and we've integrated several nice, highly efficient storage features in every 7 Day Aframes home.
Moving on, you have a full size bathroom which includes a full vanity featuring cabinet space, drawers and counter space, as well as plenty of space for towel storage, etc.
Your 7 Day Aframes home is super energy efficient with R40+ high density foam insulation pre-installed for you + energy efficient windows and doors ALL included. This creates an "envelope", which is considered to be the absolute best method for energy efficiency. You enjoy 2 great benefits: 1) Lower heating and cooling costs, 2) The HVAC requirements are downsized due to the super high efficiency of the insulation envelope. This saves you big on the size of HVAC equipment required (see below). ***For Colorado where R49 is required, we can meet the IECC Total UA Compliance requirement and have Certification. Please get in touch with us to discuss***.
Given the highly energy efficient insulation envelope utilized in every 7 Day Aframes home, we recommend a Mini-split AC/Heat Pump system. We like the MrCool and Pioneer brands and use 24000 BTU models made by these quality manufacturers. Mini split systems are easy to install and work extremely well for us. Please see our videos and pics so you can see the placement location of a Mini-split inside a completed 7 Day Aframes home.
For sure! As noted above, 7 Day Aframes are super energy efficient which is certainly a consideration when going off grid. Solar power and a wood burning stove (if needed) can give you an amazing, comfortable Off Grid home. We can provide Solar Power load calculations and guidelines on how many solar panels, batteries, etc. that you'll find valuable. We paid a solar expert to do these calculations and recommendations for us so that we can have the information you need if you choose this route. We love the Off Grid Life! BTW, we follow this guy on YouTube for invaluable solar tips and resources > DIY Solar With Will Prowse He covers really good stuff.
That's why we spent 2 years in the design and engineering phase of development for the 7 Day Aframes kit to insure the final product would be of the highest quality and precisely engineered. We built multiple full scale prototype versions in our warehouse to achieve the result we were striving for. Further, we've continuously refined the system so that assembling the kit on your site can be done quickly and without any heavy equipment or extensive construction experience.
We recommend you start with the basics, which could include confirming things like minimum square feet of living area required by the property restrictions. Often when an HOA exists, there are also existing minimum requirements which your home design must meet. (FYI, the square feet of living area in a 7 Day Aframes VISTA 1 is 730 square feet and VISTA 2 is 968 square feet.) So, check that first along with the other minimum requirement imposed by the HOA. If you are required to submit to the HOA more detailed drawings and elevations, we can provide you everything you need to submit for an HOA review.
You'll certainly want to keep all components we ship you dry and out of the weather at all times. As with any construction materials, getting wet can damage materials as well as make it warp and lose its optimal shape. So, schedule your delivery date to be as close to the time you will be ready to build. Given that it only takes just a few days to get the whole house "dried in", you don't need the weather to cooperate too long. But, while stored on site it is important to keep the products covered with a quality tarp and weather tight from top to bottom at all times. Most of what is contained in your 7 Day Aframes Kit are not the kind of materials you can just run down to Home Depot or the lumber yard and replace. Keeping the product dry at all times is important.
No, we do not sell plans. The reality is "plans" would not do you much good as most of the components in a 7 Days Aframes home are custom fabricated with special equipment and processes that one would not be able to easily duplicate. The primary components are not the kind of materials you can just run down to Home Depot or the lumber yard and get. It took us 2 years to develop these components.
First, as noted in the answer to the question above about Financing, a THOW is classified as "personal property". Without exception, this means financing is more difficult, loan terms are much shorter and interest rates are higher.
But it's even more important to consider these other factors as well: